Next Academy

3D MAX TriD Max Course

10 weeks
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3D MAX TriD Max Course


Based on the graduation of many students from the Academy in the previous batches and obtaining a job opportunity after graduating from

The course, the training course qualifies graduates directly to practice the profession upon graduation from the Academy
And obtaining a certificate that entitles them to practice the profession and open a business of their own


The main themes of the training course:

1. How to download the program.

2. An introduction to the program and a definition of some terminology in the field of the program.

3- Interface explanation.

4- Adjust program settings (preferences

5. Customize menus and tools (customize workspace).

6. Know the units of measurement (units).

7. Navigation tools.

8- transformation tools.

9. Create the basic three-dimensional objects.

10. Ways to show objects in the shading mode.

11- Commands to copy objects (clone).

12- Selection tools.

13. How to create a group, and how to link objects together (group – link).

14. Explanation of some commands from the (bend-tab) menu.

15. Design orders and applications on modeling-sub object mode.

16. Applications on the sub objects using the taskbar (sub object mode- ribbon tools).

17- Create the basic two-dimensional shapes.

18- Applications to two-dimensional (loft-lathe) shapes.

19. Animation menu.

20. Learn about the material editor.

21- Learn about the texture-map processes for 3D models.

22. Identify the lighting.

23. Learn about the cameras.

24- Know the settings for the final render of the project and export in image or video format.

25. Implementation of several practical projects

26- Final exam (practical and theoretical) and evaluation of the training course.


With the necessity to bring the student a personal computer.

Certificates are granted to all trainees certified by Next Academy for Training upon the end of the training course and upon the student’s success in the final exam.


Registration is open from the date you see this advertisement until you take a sufficient number.
Those wishing to register must come to the company’s headquarters and confirm their reservation by paying the course fees
Fully and before we get enough (places are limited)

You can register by sending a text message to our numbers, or by sending it via Viber or WhatsApp
WhatsApp, or Telgram, and the message contains: Name, telephone number,
And the name of the course you wish to register for, on the numbers at the bottom of the announcement

WhatsApp or Vıber:

0928939481 – 0925159691

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