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Journalism education course

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Journalism education course

Under the supervision of a trained trainer and more than 10 years of experience in this field.

Payment methods available to us: (cash, payment service, certified check, bank transfer).


The privileges that we grant you when you register for the Next Academy training courses :

As an encouragement to our esteemed students, Next Academy gives you a 10% reduction for the less expensive course if the student participates in more than one training course.

Next Academy gives the opportunity to receive a free training course for the first rank in the group, provided that it succeeds with an excellent grade of 85% or more, and only once.

Next Academy also gives you another sibling discount of 10% for each person in case of sibling registration.

In the event that the student enrolls in four training courses, the company’s management grants the student a free training course out of the 60 courses available to the company.

The number designated for registration for each group is from 6 to 10 male / female students only, so that the benefit is comprehensive for all students enrolled in the training course.

We also inform you that Next Academy is a Libyan limited company, approved by the Ministry of Labor and Rehabilitation, practicing No. (343) for the year 2019 AD.


Targeted to participate in the training course:

The course targets the general public and everyone who wishes to participate and benefit from the training course, and obtain a profession that enables him to work in it and increase his monthly income, and the target ages for registration for the course are from 12 years and over.


The main themes of the training course:

1- The vocabulary of the art editorial curriculum
2- The concept of press editing
3- Definition of press editing
4- The language of press editing
5- The stages of press editing
6- Press editing methods
7- The concept of press release
8- The emergence of the press release
9- Definition of the press release
10- The importance of the news
11- News sources
12- News items
A13- Types of news
14- News title
15- Types of titles
16- Title functions
17- News introduction
18- Types of introductions
19- Body of news
20- News drafting templates
21- Writing the news
22- The concept of journalistic talk
23- Types of press talk
24- Ways of writing a press talk
25- Stages of preparing a press talk
26 – Management of press talk
27- Definition of journalistic investigation
28- Investigation sources
29- Journalistic investigation templates
30- Components of the journalistic investigation
31- Steps that must be followed before writing an investigation
32- Steps for writing a press investigation

33- Language of the press article
34- Definition of the article
35- Types of essay
36- Editorial article
37- Definition of the introductory article
38- press column article
39- Definition of the press column
40- Writing a press column
41- Editing of the journal
42- Editing for news agencies

Certificates are granted to all trainees, accredited by Next Academy for Training
Upon the end of the training course and upon the student’s success in the final exam.

How to register :

Those wishing to register must come to the company’s headquarters and confirm their reservation by paying the training course fees in full and before we have taken the sufficient number (places are limited), or you can initially register by sending a text message to our numbers or sending it by Viber or WhatsApp

Provided that the message contains: the full name – phone number – the name of the course in which you wish to register on the following numbers:

Contact: 0921779318 – 0910933768 – 0928939481

Viber and Whatsapp: 0928939481 – 0925159691

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