Next Academy

Sterilization and infection control methods course

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Sterilization and infection control methods.

We also inform you that we offer 100 more training courses in all fields

You can also pay the same price in cash

Through certified check, bank transfer, or payment service

Under the supervision of a capable doctor with more than 10 years of experience in this field.

Based on the graduation of many students from the Academy in the previous batches and obtaining a job opportunity after graduating from the course, the training course qualifies the graduates directly to practice the profession upon graduation from the Academy, and they obtain a certificate that gives them the right to practice the profession.

Payment methods available to us: (cash, payment service, certified check, bank transfer).


The price before the reduction is 250 dinars in cash, and with a payment service or 300 dinars by check or bank transfer.

The price after the reduction is 100 dinars in cash, and with a payment service or 100 dinars by check or bank transfer.

With the addition of 10 dinars, paid as fees

Additional to extract the certificate.

We also inform you that the course fee is not refundable after payment and confirmation of the reservation, and the value is refunded

In the event that the course is postponed for more than a month, the month is calculated from the date of the student’s registration

Course methodology:

  • The course methodology is based on 40% of the theoretical training
  • 60% of the training is practical,
  • Training course axes (theoretical and practical).
  • Definition of public infection, facility infection, and methods of transmission.
  • Standard precautions that must be followed during handling inside sanitary buildings:
  • * Hygienic hand washing.
  • * Protective clothing.
  • * Washing, disinfection and sterilization.
  • * Methods of preventing pollution.
  • * Cleanliness of the environment.
  • * Dispose of medical waste now.
  • Infection control policies:
  • * Infection control policies in the operating room.
  • * Infection control policies in the emergency room.
  • * Outpatient infection control policies.
  • * Infection control policies in dialysis.
  • * Infection control policies in laboratories.
  • Occupational safety for health workers.
  • Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria and Antibiotic Policies.
  • About Immunology.
  • Materials used for the purpose of training the course:
  • Hand sanitizer lotion.
  • Hand gel sanitizer.
  • Mask (medical mask).
  • Gloves (normal / surgical)
  • head cap.
  • Gaon.
  • Glasware (eye protection).
  • Sidex (disinfectant) / (small synesthesia)
  • Injection / Tubes / Adhesive / Cotton / Alcohol / Sharp Box.


Certificates are granted to all trainees certified by Next Academy for Training at the end of the training course and upon the student’s success in the final exam.

Registration is open from the date you see this advertisement until you take a sufficient number.

Those wishing to register must come to the company’s headquarters and confirm their reservation, to pay the course fees in full and before we take the sufficient number (places are limited).

Or, you can initially register by sending a text message to our numbers, or sending it by Viber or WhatsApp, and the message contains: Name, phone number, and the name of the course you wish to register for, on the numbers at the bottom of the advertisement.


For any inquiries, please call: 0928939481 – 0910933768 – 0921779318.

Or contact us with Viber or WhatsApp at the two numbers: 0928939481 – 0925159691.

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Join us and Register:

Address: Tripoli – Al-Nawfleen – Sheikh Street – near Bab Tajoura Bridge. _


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